create space to tend to yourself

so that you can tend to the world.

Over time, this page will adapt and change with my practice. I’m also open to crafting a practice that fits us both.

create space to tend to yourself

so that you can tend to the world.

Over time, this page will adapt and change with my practice. I’m also open to crafting a practice that fits us both.

Photo of Hailey kneeling at a home altar and lighting a candle. Gold washi tape and swooping shapes frame the photo.

spiritual direction

Spiritual Direction is a space to rest with and hear from God. Are you recovering from an abusive or restrictive spiritual environment? Do you sense God inviting you into a more whole spirituality, but you don’t know what that means? Have you given up on God or feel that God has given up on you? Do you simply want to make your relationship with God a bigger priority? Spiritual Direction is a sacred place where we can listen for God together. The goal is wholeness, deeper rootedness in yourself and more intimacy with God.

  • Who this is for: For the spiritually curious, restless or uncertain searching for a space to explore their relationship with God in a shame free environment.
  • Commitment level: Bi-weekly or monthly sessions available. Each session is 50-60 minutes.
  • Average cost: $100 - $175 per session

embodied coaching

More goal driven than Spiritual Direction, my approach to what I call, “Embodied Coaching” emphasizes somatics and the integration of mind, body and spirit. We are familiar with listening to our hearts and our thoughts, but how comfortable are we listening to our bodies? Do you want to explore your racial identity? Are you burnt out and need support developing sustainable practices for your life, activism or ministry? Wondering what your purpose is, desiring a career change or transition of any kind? Coaching is more of a journey from point A to point B.

  • Who this is for: For the burnt out, those in transition, activists, students, leaders or anyone desiring a more integrated approach to life and decisions.
  • Commitment level: Weekly, Bi-Weekly or monthly sessions available. I like to start with 8 sessions, but we can come up with a plan together! Each session is 50-60 minutes.
  • Average cost: $125 - $195 per session

how to rebuild cohort

This 8-week transformative journey will be one of spiritual renewal and reconnection with self, spirit and our little cohort community. It will be guided by my experience supporting people (and myself) rebuilding supportive spiritual practices and it will also be guided by you. Your intuition and your unique identities and lived experience. I cannot wait to co-create this space together. Next cohort is scheduled for January 2024.

  • Who is this for: Read all program details and apply HERE
  • Commitment level: 8 weeks (with weekly video lessons and weekly group gatherings on Zoom)
  • Average Cost: $665 (options for payment plans and scholarships)

what else do you have in mind?

We all move through different spaces with different experiences and histories. If you don’t see something that fits your needs, that’s okay. I’m always open to exploring new ways we might collaborate. 

tell me what you’re seeking


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Illustration of colorful mountains and clouds